Committee of Management
The Committee is a Crown Land Committee of Management responsible for the upkeep and refurbishment of the Cross. It is a volunteer group and comprises local residents, veterans, and representatives of Parks Victoria and Macedon Ranges Shire. The area of responsibility is a reserve that extends from the gatehouse (‘lych gate’) to the commemoration area and the Cross. It also includes the Major Mitchell lookout.
The Committee of Management is a separate entity from the Mt Macedon ANZAC Day Dawn Service committee.
The Macedon Regional Park is managed by Parks Victoria and has some great walking tracks through breath taking scenery.
Refreshing the Cross Reserve
The State Government through the Office for Veterans (Department of Families Fairness and Housing) has granted $810,000 to prepare a conservation management plan for the preservation and maintenance of the heritage features of the Cross Reserve. It will also refresh the commemorative area, provide additional viewing for the ANZAC Dawn Service, and improve disability access to the Cross. The first part of the project commenced in January 2023. As part of this project long and short term plans for the Reserve, along with a Conservation Management Plan, have been prepared. An Executive Summary is available from the Committee.
The Committee of Management, as part of its role to advocate for the heritage of the Memorial Cross has supported the clearing of vegetation to restore the view to and from the Cross. This position has been supported by extensive historical, architectural and conservation research conducted as part of the study for the conservation management plan.
Purpose of the Memorial Cross
Since its completion the memorial cross, and the reserve in which it is located at the top of Mt Macedon have become a memorial to those killed in action or died of wounds in World War II, Korea, Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan and all wars and warlike deployments in which Australians have served our country.
The Mt Macedon Memorial Cross Committee of Management extends an ongoing invitation to all ex-service organisations, unit associations and individuals to hold their own public or private remembrances at the cross or within the memorial garden just inside the Gatehouse.
Caring for the Cross
As a special place to commemorate those who served and those who died for their nation, please be mindful to protect and care for the Cross and the Reserve. Report any damage or vandalism to the Committee or to Parks Victoria. As the volunteer committee does not receive a maintenance budget, please also consider a donation – it will ensure the special qualities of the area are preserved for future generations.
For more information on the Committee of Management, the Conservation Management Plan, and information on holding remembrance events, please email the committee at