Mount Macedon ANZAC Day Dawn Service Committee
PO Box 997 Woodend VIC 3442
Email: mtmacedondawnservice@gmail.com
The Mount Macedon Dawn Service would like to thank all photographers who have contributed to the imagery on this page, please get in touch below to add a credit to an image.
Useful Links:
Veterans Organisations:
Legacy Australia - http://www.legacy.com.au/
Woodend RSL - https://www.woodendrsl.org/
Kyneton RSL - https://www.kynetonrsl.com.au/
Gisborne and Macedon Ranges RSL - https://www.facebook.com/GisborneRSL/
Romsey-Lancefield RSL - https://rslvic.com.au/locations?branch_hub%5Bquery%5D=romsey
Vietnam Veterans Association of Australia - http://www.vvaa.org.au/
Woodend & District Heritage Society - www.woodendhistory.com
Gisborne and Mount Macedon Districts Historical Society - https://www.gisbornemountmacedon.org.au/
Kyneton Historical Society - http://home.vicnet.net.au/~kyhist/
Visit Macedon Ranges - www.visitmacedonranges.com
Macedon Ranges See & Do - http://www.mrsc.vic.gov.au/See-Do